Email Guidelines for SWE-BWS Communications

To sort out any confusion about how and when to use which emails, here are the basics:

This email is a distribution list for all of SWE-BWS, and anyone else who subscribes on Only the email committee chair, the president and the webmaster can send emails to the list, so all emails to the distribution should be sent to the Email Communications Chair first, and to the president or webmaster as a back-up. Use the following email addresses:

For complete guidelines on content, etc., for SWE-BWS email communications, see:

To view the archives of emails sent to this list, see:

This is an email distribution list for the SWE-BWS EC. Anyone on the list can send an email to the list. The intention of the list is to encourage easy sharing of information among the BWS EC. Only members of the list may send emails to the list, and I have to approve every request for addition to the list (this is to prevent spam and inappropriate members of the list).

To manage your membership to this list (change email address, add a 2nd email address, etc.):

To see the archive of emails sent to this list, see:

Need an email address?

There are two kinds of email accounts the webmaster can set up for you:

Just let the webmaster know what you want the account name to be, and which type it should be, and she'll set it up. Please send those requests (and anything else web-related) to the account.

For access to web email accounts, go to

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