Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.4.19: Documentation and ManualAbout CoppermineCoppermine Photo Gallery is an advanced, user-friendly, picture gallery script with built-in support for other multi-media/data files. The gallery can be private, accessible to registered users only, and/or open to all visitors to your site. Users, if permitted, can upload pictures with their web browser (thumbnail and intermediate sized images are created on the fly), rate pictures, add comments and even send e-cards. The site administrator determines which of the features listed above are accessible by registered and non-registered users. The site administrator can also manage galleries and batch process large numbers of pictures that have been uploaded onto the server by FTP. Image files are stored in albums and albums can be grouped into categories, which in turn, can be further grouped under parent categories. The script supports multiple users and provides the administrator of the website with tools to manage which user groups can or cannot have personal albums, send ecards, or add comments. Users may also upload to public albums if the website administrator permits it. Permissions to create albums, upload and delete files are all determined by the website administrator. Coppermine has an optional user selectable theme system with a number of themes pre-installed. It also supports the use of multiple languages and contains it's own language library. These language files provide, users of your gallery, access in their preferred languages. Coppermine uses PHP, a MySQL database, and either the GD library (version 1.x or 2.x) or ImageMagick to generate and keep records and file information of all thumbnails, intermediate, and full-sized images. Coppermine generates the html code necessary to display its various categories, sub-categories, albums, intermediate, and full-sized image displays dynamically. This drastically cuts down on the number of files and space your gallery would require using standard HTML. The install script (install.php) makes it quick and easy to get started. Table of contents
1. What is requiredThere are certain minimum requirements that need to be met in order to be able to install Coppermine: 1.1 Technical requirements
Although Coppermine can be run on any webserver that has the minimum requirements mentioned above, the Coppermine dev team can not support you on setting up your webserver in the first place. As suggested, those are requirements, i.e. they have to be met before actually considering to run Coppermine. Please note that the Coppermine group does not recommend self-hosting unless you're an experienced webserver administrator and know your way around. 1.2 Personal requirementsCoppermine is aimed at webmasters who have at least basic HTML know-how and some experience in setting up pre-made scripts. The Coppermine dev team is aware that there are Coppermine users who set up their gallery using auto-installers who have little or no experience in setting up similar scripts, which is fine as well. We just ask you to read the documentation thoroughly before asking questions on the Coppermine support board, as this should answer most newbie questions. You can use coppermine just fine using the pre-made themes that come with the coppermine package. However, if you want to modify existing themes or come up with a theme of your own (that matches the look of the rest of your site), you should have basic to intermediate HTML and CSS skills. 2. Installation and Setup2.1 How to install the script
2.1.1 Setting permissionsCoppermine needs write access to a number of files and folders on the webserver in order to accomplish the following:
By default, files and folders on a webserver are usually not writable, so you will probably have to change permissions before installion, for the reasons mentioned above. It's really mandatory that you set/change (CHMOD) permissions - or you will run into issues sooner or later. To be able to set permissions correctly, you have to understand how they work: there are read, write and execute permissions (abbreviated with rwx) for each folder and file. Permissions on a parent folder can propagate to a child folder or the files within it, but it's possible to tweak your setup so that unwanted permissions will not propagate to child folders and resident files. However, there are differences between the different operating systems that are used as webservers. As a result, there are a number of different approaches. As coppermine is designed to run on many different setups, we've included some basic instructions. Those who know their way around may find these instructions somewhat generalized and lacking in details. Apache on Unix/Linux (CHMOD) Apache on WindowsYou have to understand that there is no such thing as CHMOD on Windows operating systems - this command is available on Unix/Linux only, even if your FTP application displays a CHMOD option. If you try to apply CHMOD on Windows, the command will simply be ignored and do nothing. However, there are permissions on Windows as well. The apache webserver service runs under a particular user - if you have full access to the server, check the services control to find out which one it is. If you can't do this, ask your webhost. As a temporary workaround, set permissions on folder and file level as suggested in the section IIS on Windows, but not for the IUSR (which only exists on IIS), but for "everyone". However, allowing "everyone" to have read, write and execute permissions might be a security risk and is not recommended at all. IIS on WindowsPre-requisites: you will need full admin privileges over your server to execute this process. If you do not run the webserver yourself, your webhost has probably set up a web-based interface to let you change permissions. If you're not sure, contact your webhost. The dialogs may differ slightly depending on the Windows version you have:
You have to understand that there is no such thing as CHMOD on Windows operating systems - this command is available on Unix/Linux only, even if your FTP application displays a CHMOD option. If you try to apply CHMOD on Windows, the command will simply be ignored and do nothing. However, there are permissions on Windows as well. 2.1.2 The install screen
2.1.3 What the installer doesAfter performing some basic checks, the installer creates the needed database tables for you and fills them with default values. It creates the file include/ within the coppermine folder on your server that stores the database details you entered during install. If you should change your mysql database details later (i.e. if you change the password of your mysql user account or if you migrate your gallery to another server), you will need to edit include/ manually to reflect the changes. The file include/ also keeps the install script from being run twice: if the installer is run, a check is performed wether the config file exists - if yes, the installer will stop and redirect the user to the index page. 2.2 Getting startedUse the "Album Manager" ("Albums" link in the admin menu) in to create and order your albums. You'll need at least one album your files can go into. Use the anonymous group to define what non-registered users can and can't do (in the groups panel). Use the properties of an album to modify its description and permissions. In order for a user to be allowed to upload a file in album two conditions must be met:
The same applies to picture rating and comment posting. If you have installed the script succesfully but are having trouble getting it working properly you can enable the "debug mode" on the Config page. In this mode, the script outputs most of the warning/error messages produced by PHP in addition to some debug information. This can provide valuable information to understand what is wrong. 2.2.1 Basic concepts
Of course you're exited about Coppermine and want to start with it right now. However, there are some basic considerations you should make up your mind about first, as some settings can't be changed easily once your gallery has been populated with content. So this section is meant as a guide once you've finished installing Coppermine. Go through it carefully to avoid issues that may turn up later.
2.2.2 Initial configuration
There are some settings in Coppermine's config that you should edit right after finishing install. Log in with the admin username and password you set up during install, click on the "Show admin controls" link if it is visible, go to the Config page and start to configure your gallery. Note that even if you are a member of the administrator group, you need to be have "Show admin controls" enabled. In previous versions, this used to be named "admin mode", but was renamed because some people thought that switching from admin mode to user mode showed them what regular users can see (which is not the case). There are some settings in config that can't be changed later (if there are already files in the database) - make sure to set them up correctly in the first place. Although you'll surely want to start using coppermine immediately it is advisable to configure those settings (marked with an asterisk "*") properly at the very beginning. 2.2.3 Category, albums and file structure
The Coppermine Photo Gallery works in the following way:
If you don't plan to have many albums, you really won't need to use the categories feature. If this applies to you, simply do not create any categories and all your albums will automatically appear on the main page of the script. There is, however, a special category named "User galleries". This category can't be deleted. If a user belongs to the group "can have a personal gallery" and this is set to YES, he will have the right to create his own albums and his gallery will be a sub-category of "User galleries". This link is not visible to visitors of your site, however, if you do not allow users to upload pics and have their own albums. The administrator can create albums in any category. Non-administrative users can only create albums in the "User galleries/Their_username". You can, however rename the "User Galleries". To rename the "User galleries" category and description, simply go to your category control panel and change the name there (e.g. to translate the words "User galleries" into your language). 2.2.4 Your admin account
It's mandatory to have your admin account configured properly and to memorize the admin account data. Coppermine even provides you with the option to retrieve a lost password, but for this, you have to configure an email address for every account. When users sign up, they have to enter an email address, so this should not be a problem. However, the admin account that you created during setup doesn't have an email account yet. You should go to your profile when logged in as admin and specify a valid email address for the admin there - this way, you can later request a new password if you forget it. 2.2.5 Check uploads
Before actually promoting your coppermine gallery publicly, you should make sure that uploads work as expected, as they are the most common issues users have, caused by the huge amount of factors that have to be taken into account. Review the upload troubleshooting section if you have issues. 2.2.6 Consider bridging
Coppermine was designed to be used as standalone application in the first place. However, many people wanted to integrate it with another app, so starting with cpg1.1.x coppermine came with a mechanism that allowed users to bridge coppermine with another app in terms of user management. The main advantage is giving your site visitors a single sign-on for your overall site (e.g. both in your gallery and your forum), so they don't have to sign in twice and memorize two different logons. Bridging does not integrate coppermine visually into your home page (you have to create a custom theme to accomplish this). You can enable (or disable) bridging at any time, but you should make up your mind on bridging when installing Coppermine in the first place, because there are some issues that have to be taken into account: if you already have users inside your coppermine database when enabling bridging, the correlation between those initial coppermine users and the "new" users from the app you bridge with gets lost. As a consequence, there will be no more correlation between things your "old" users did (uploading pic, posting comments etc.) and the "new" users from the bridge. To circumvent those future issues, you should make up your mind when installing coppermine: do you want to allow user interaction? Do you plan to offer a bulletin board later (or any other application that keeps track of users)? If your answer is "yes", or "maybe", then it's advisable to enable bridging before actually promoting your site publicly and starting to let users in. Read up details in the bridging section of the docs. 2.2.7 What are your visitors allowed to do?
Coppermine can be used for a variety or purposes: some use it to display their personal files to everyone on the internet, others want only a limited number of users to be able to access the site for viewing only and no interaction at all. A large number of webmasters want to create a community site, where users can participate by uploading files, comment on other's files and rate them. You can use Coppermine in all those setups (and a mixture of it), but you should be aware of the possibilities and limitations first: Users "inherit" their permissions from the group they're in. That's why many settings in Coppermine are set per group. This way, you can have several levels of permissions. Set permissions by group using the group control panel 2.2.8 Change your coppermine's design
You can change some layout and design aspects (e.g. displaying random thumbnails on the index page) in the corresponding config section. Coppermine comes with a theme engine that allows you to customize the look of your gallery. You can choose one of the themes that come with Coppermine or you can download user-contributed themes from the downloads section of the Coppermine homepage. Based on the available themes you can customize your individual theme to make your site look unique and make your gallery match the overall look of your site. 2.3 Creating or upgrading your own themesCoppermine comes with a powerful engine that allows you to create your own theme, giving your gallery a unique look that matches the overall layout of your entire site. Other applications call them "skins" or "templates", well call them "themes". There is a (constantly growing) number of user-contributed themes that can be previewed and downloaded from the Coppermine web site. -------------------------------------2.3.1 Themes that come with Coppermine
The Coppermine package comes with some pre-made themes:
2.3.2 Upgrading your custom theme
To upgrade an existing custom theme from cpg1.3.x to version 1.4.x, read the theme upgrade documentation. You only have to upgrade your custom theme when upgrading between major versions (e.g. from cpg1.3.x to cpg1.4.x), as from one major version to the next, the theming engine is subject to changes. When only upgrading from minor versions to the next (e.g. from cpg1.4.x to cpg1.4.y), you don't have to update your custom theme. The core themes that come with Coppermine packages don't need to be updated, as they should be replaced during the upgrade and therefor will contain all needed changes. However: if you have based your custom theme on one of the core themes that come with coppermine (e.g. the classic theme), pay attention to possible changes. As suggested below, it's advisable to rename your custom theme to make sure that it doesn't accidentally get overwritten when upgrading. 2.3.3 Content of a theme
Coppermine themes are stored in the "themes" directory, each consists of 3 primary files :
Additionally, there usually is a folder named "images" that resides within the theme folder (themes/theme_name/images/) that contains the images used by the particular theme (logos, bullets, backgrounds and other graphical resources needed). 2.3.4 The sample theme - a template to copy from
Your Coppermine installation also includes a "sample" theme directory. The "sample" theme includes each of these files but does not show up in the user selectable list of themes in your Coppermine display. Sample's theme.php also holds a copy of every themeable function and template for your reference. If you opt to use the "sample" theme to begin creating your own theme, you should follow the theme.php instructions in the "theme upgrade documentation" and begin with a blank theme.php. To clarify: you mustn't edit the sample theme (as it will not be displayed), but copy the sections you want to see changed from it into your custom theme. Don't copy the whole content from themes/sample/theme.php into your custom theme, as this will only clutter your custom theme and will make upgrading very hard in the future. Instead, copy the sections you want to modify. 2.3.5 How the theme engine works
When a Coppermine page is being parsed, the core code will call theme functions. If those functions exist in your custom theme, they will be taken into account. If a particular function does not exist in your custom theme, the core function will be used. The core functions (the default theme behaviour if you want to put it that way) reside in includes/ Therefor, you mustn't edit includes/, under no circumstances, as all your changes will be lost when upgrading in the future. Everything that possibly could be accomplished by editing include/ can be accomplished by editing themes/yourtheme/theme.php as well - stuff defined in your custom theme will take precedence over the core theme functions. 2.3.6 Creating your custom theme Rename your theme first
To create a new theme, the best solution is to use an existing one as its copy template. To do that, make a copy of the folder of the theme you want to use as a basis. Then edit the "template.html", "style.css" and "theme.php" files and replace all occurences of "themes/old_theme_dir" with "themes/new_theme_dir" in order for the links to point to the correct place. Also keep in mind that despite this file being located in the "themes/your_theme_dir" directory, it must be coded as if it was in the main directory of the coppermine installation. For example, in order to display an image, you must use <img src="themes/theme_dir/images/image.gif" alt=""/> and not just <img src="images/image.gif" alt=""/>. The same principle applies for the "theme.php" file. Example:
It is strongly recommended to rename your custom theme as suggested above, even if you only plan to accomplish minor changes to a default theme that coppermine comes with. The reason is quite simple: when upgrading at a later stage, you will not run into issues (e.g. accidentally overwrite your customized theme with an updated default theme). Tipps & tricks
If you're not sure how to go about creating your own theme, you could also have a look at the download section of the coppermine homepage: there are many user-contributed themes available for download that can be previewed on the coppermine demo page. While you're in the process of creating or testing a new theme, you might not want your theme to be displayed to visitors of your site, but you (as the coppermine admin) may want to still be able to preview your theme. To do that, simply add theme=your_theme_name to the url in your browser.
Examples: Using WYSIWYG-editors
If you are using an HTML editor to design your template, the easist working solution might be to save the "template.html" file into the main directory of your coppermine installation and edit it there. Whenever you load Coppermine, if the script finds a file named "template.html" in the main directory it will load it instead of the default one that you assigned in the CONFIG menu. Once you have finished editing your theme be sure to move the file back into the directory it belongs. Don't forget to remove the temporary template.html file from the Coppermine root folder once you are done editing! It is strongly recommended not to use a WYSIWYG-editor at all to edit Coppermine files. The coppermine dev team is aware that it might seem easier for beginners to use those graphical editors. However, they have some major drawbacks: Editing template.html
The file template.html is the core file of each theme: it can only contain HTML/CSS/JavaScript code (no PHP!) plus some placeholder tokens that will get replaced with content when the theme is being parsed (i.e. when the HTML output of a gallery page is being generated). Template.html determines the overall layout of your gallery pages. Use it to make your gallery match the overall look of your entire website. Template tokens
When editing the "template.html" file do not remove the elements between {} - these are the placeholders used by the script. Think of those items in curly brackets as placeholders that will be replaced later with dynamic content when your template is being parsed. You can move the placeholder tokens around to obtain different layouts. However, you have to understand that the {GALLERY}-token is a special placeholder: think of it more as a separator than an actual placeholder token. When the template is being parsed, the {GALLERY}-token will be replaced with the actual core component of the gallery. Other placeholders tokens in curly braces that come before the {GALLERY} token are being handled by the pageheader function; placeholder tokens that come after the {GALLERY}-token are being handled by the pagefooter function. Therefor, you have to keep in mind that you can freely move tokens around in template.html as long as you don't reverse the position of the token you move and the {GALLERY}-token. List of tokens in template.html Modifying colors
To modify the colors, fonts, font sizes, etc... used by the script, you should edit the "style.css" stylesheet whenever possible. For example, if you want to increase or decrease the size of the fonts you can simply modify the line with : table { font-size: 12px; }. Most of the font sizes used by the script are defined as a percentage of this size. Editing theme.php
The "theme.php" file contains all the HTML templates used by the script. You can edit them, as well. When making modifications to these templates, be careful that you do not alter the lines that start with <!-- BEGIN xxx --> and <!-- END xxx -->. These lines are often used to identify the start and end of specific code blocks that the script will use to display your gallery. 2.4 Safe mode issuesA significant number of webhosts on the Internet run PHP in safe mode. Coppermine runs without any problem in safe mode and with the "open basedir restriction" active, provided safe mode is properly configured. Unfortunately, on many hosts, safe mode is not configured properly. If your webhost is running PHP in safe mode but is misconfigured, you may need to do the following :
2.5 Using SMTP to send emailsBy default the script uses the PHP built-in mail function to send emails. In some cases, the PHP built-in function can't be used. If, in order to send emails with PHP, you are required to supply a hostname, a username and a password, you will need to edit the CONFIG menu section "Email settings" and insert the correct values there. If you don't need a username and password to connect to your SMTP server, just leave these lines blank. If you don't know what settings to enter, you will need to check with your webhost. 3. Upgrading3.1 Upgrade steps3.1.1 Upgrading from version 1.0If you already have installed version 1.0 and you want to transfer your albums to version 1.4x follow the following steps:
This upgrade process leaves your v1.0 gallery untouched 3.1.2 Upgrading from cpg1.1.x, cpg1.2.x or cpg1.3.x to version cpg1.4.x
Please note: as there have been changes both in the coppermine files and the database from cpg1.3.0 or better to cpg1.4.x, users of previous versions will have to apply all steps mentioned above: both the files have to be replaced and the update.php script has to be run once. 3.1.3 Upgrading from cpg1.4.0 or better to version cpg1.4.19
Please note: as there have been changes both in the coppermine files and the database from cpg1.4.0 or better to cpg1.4.19, users of older versions than cpg1.4.19 will have to apply all steps mentioned above: both the files have to be replaced and the update.php script has to be run once. 3.2 Why upgrade?There are major and minor releases of Coppermine. Major releases have so far been cpg1.0, cpg1.1, cpg1.2.x, cpg1.3.x and cpg1.4.x. The next major release will be cpg1.5.x (which currently is in the dev pipeline - no scheduled release date yet). Minor releases (the third number in the version numbering scheme) represent updates, also known as "maintenance releases". Major releases contain new features (compared to the previous major release), minor releases do not contain new features, but only bug fixes and slight improvements (like additional language files). To understand the release policy of the coppermine dev team you have to understand how bugs are being fixed: we maintain a repository where the core code of each major release is being constantly being improved. Major and minor bugs that are reported on the coppermine support board are being fixed in that repository. Once a new package is being bundled, all fixes that have been made in that repository go into the new maintenance release. There is a good reason for every new maintenance release: they are usually being packaged when a new bug or vulnerability is being discovered that is relevant in terms of security. As suggested above, there are several minor bugfixes that go into each new release as well, not only the one major bug or vulnerability that lead to the maintenance release. Therefor, it will not be enough to just fix the single vulnerability that has been the initial reason for a new package to be released. Instead, always upgrade to the most recent stable release as soon as it has been announced. 3.2.1 Reasons for package releasesThis is a list of minor releases of cpg1.4.x and the reason why they have been released. It is meant to explain why you should upgrade as soon as possible to the most recent stable release if you are running an outdated version.
As you can see, the coppermine dev team is constantly fixing and improving coppermine. Every non-trivial piece of software contains bugs, so there is no guarantee that the version that currently is the most recent one will be the final, ultimately bug-free version to be released in the cpg1.4.x series. It is absolutely vital that you perform regular updates as soon as new packages are being released. 3.2.2 ChangelogDetails on the changes that went into a release can be found in the changelog that comes with each package. The changelog file can be found in the root directory of the coppermine package. The changelog contains more information on additional languages and the time and date of the fix as well. The changelog is a plain-text file that can be read using a simple editor - on Windows-driven machines, notepad.exe is fine. 3.3 The version check toolSince the release of cpg1.3.2 Coppermine comes with an additional version checking tool to help you resolve issues with upgrades and updates easily. Except for specific files of coppermine that will only work for the version that it had been originally designed for, the versioncheck tool can be used with all versions starting from cpg1.2.1. To launch the versioncheck, simply add versioncheck.php to your browser's address bar after being logged into coppermine as admin (example: http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/versioncheck.php). With version 1.4x, you can run the versioncheck utility from the Admin Tools menu. 3.7.1 What it doesThe script "versioncheck" is meant for users who have updated their coppermine install. This script goes through the files on your webserver and tries to determine if the local file versions on your webserver are the identical to the ones at the repository of Files that do not match are displayed and are the files you should update as well. In Cpg1.4.x you can toggle the URL to the latest update for individual files in the versioncheck page. It will show everything in red that needs to be fixed. Entries in yellow need looking into. Entries in green (or your theme's default font color) are OK and should be left alone. When an entry is red or yellow, a help icon will appear next to it. Click it to find out more. Hovering with your mouse over an item will display additional information as well (tooltip). The versioncheck screen has several sections:
3.3.2 OptionsThe options screen lets you configure the versioncheck, or rather what is being displayed. The options aren't saved anywhere, so you will have to adjust them each time you run versioncheck. The default options should be OK for most users - only change them if you have good reasons to do so. ![]()
3.3.3 Version comparisonThere is a lot of information packed into a small space. Here's an example of a possible output and what the output means: ![]()
3.4 Downgrading from cpg1.4.x to an older versionCPG1.4.x incorporates many new features (compared to older versions), so we encourage all users to upgrade. However, there may be some who want to test cpg1.4.x and decide later that they want to go back to an older version. You have to keep in mind that a full upgrade changes the overall layout of coppermine's database that includes converting the encoding to unicode. This process can't be reverted: once you have done the conversion, the only way back is to restore a complete mySQL database dump (of course you have to create this backup before you upgraded in the first place). Creating mySQL dumps (backups) is recommended anyway, so you should do so now. If you haven't converted your database to unicode (utf-8) encoding, you can downgrade as explained below. To make this absolutely clear: you can only downgrade if you used to have cpg1.3.x before and upgraded this version to cpg1.4.x without converting the database. If you have converted the database or if you have made a fresh install of cpg1.4.x, you can't downgrade at all! To actually perform the downgrade, replace all cpg1.4.x files on your server with the files from the older version (as if you were doing an upgrade, see above). You then have to undo some changes in the database structure. To do so, run a query like ALTER TABLE `CPG_users` CHANGE `user_location` `user_profile1` VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE `CPG_users` CHANGE `user_interests` `user_profile2` VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE `CPG_users` CHANGE `user_website` `user_profile3` VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE `CPG_users` CHANGE `user_occupation` `user_profile4` VARCHAR(255); using a tool like phpMyAdmin, replacing CPG_ in the query with the prefix you have chosen during coppermine install. 4. Configuration & Administration4.1 Categories, albums and filesThe Coppermine Photo Gallery (CPG) works in the following way:
If you don't plan to have many albums, you really won't need to use the categories feature. If this applies to you, simply do not create any categories and all your albums will automatically appear on the main page of the script. There is, however, a special category named "User galleries". This category can't be deleted. If a user belongs to the group "can have a personal gallery" and this is set to YES, he will have the right to create his own albums and his gallery will be a sub-category of "User galleries". This link is not visible to visitors of your site, however, if you do not allow users to upload pics and have their own albums. The administrator can create albums in any category. Non-administrative users can only create albums in the "User galleries/Their_username". You can, however rename the "User Galleries". To rename the "User galleries" category and description, simply go to your category control panel and change the name there (e.g. to translate the words "User galleries" into your language). 4.2 Admin mode & User modeWhen you are logged in as an administrator, the script provides two modes of operation : Admin mode & User mode. You can switch between Admin & User mode by clicking on the corresponding link in the menu bar at the top of the screen. When you are in admin mode, you can administer your gallery using the menu bar that appears when in admin mode, as shown below : When you are in user mode you are still logged in as an admin user, but the admin controls (the admin menu bar etc.) are hidden from the screen to give you a basic preview of what the page would look like for "regular users". However (as you still are logged in as admin), certain permissions and options in user mode will still look the same as if you were in admin mode; you can not use "User Mode" to see what a non-admin user is actually allowed to see. To see what a casual visitor can see and do on your site, simply log out. To see what a registered user can see and do on your site, create a test user account (non-admin) and log in with this particular user (when doing this it is recommended that you use two different browsers, NOT two instances of the same browswer, to view your site so you can stay logged in as admin on one and view what regular users see while making changes in admin mode. You will have to refresh the non-admin mode screen to see what changes you incorporated). The items in the admin menu should be pretty self-explanatory:
In previous beta versions of cpg1.4.x there used to be an admin mode and user mode for "regular registered" users, somewhat like those for the true administrator. This feature has been removed as it was both confusing for end users and really didn't serve any special purpose. The user with upload permissions has the following admin options:
4.3 The group control panelThis is where you define what members of a user group can and can't do. The disk quota applies only for groups where "Personal gallery" has been set to "Allowed". Both files uploaded by a user in his personal gallery as well as files uploaded to public galleries are included in the quota. Use the anonymous group to define what non-registered users can and can't do. Quota and "Personal gallery" are meaningless for anonymous users. Permissions control what the user is allowed to do in the gallery (Rating/Sending Ecards/Posting Comments). Bear in mind that if a user is a member of a group where "Rating", "Comments" or "Public albums upload" is set "YES", s/he will have the right to perform these operations only in albums where they are allowed. ( ie. uploading files will only be possible in albums where "Visitors can upload files" has been set to YES.) If "Personal gallery" is set to Allowed, the members of the group will be able to have their own gallery in the "User galleries" category where they will be able to create their own albums. If "Approval" is set to NO, files uploaded by members of the group in albums created in their own gallery won't need to be approved by the admin. If "Approval" is set to YES, the users in the particular group will be able to upload, however the uploaded files will only be shown after the admin (you) has approved them. The group control panel enables you to control the upload parameters of any group. Upload method lets you select the type of upload method that a particular group may use. Four forms or methods are currently available.
No. of boxes set to "variable" allows the user to select the number of upload boxes for an upload. Usually, you will leave this option set to "fixed", as it presents the user with an additional step in the upload wizard that is not necessary. File upload boxes controls the number of file upload boxes presented to the user. If the user may customize the number of boxes (No. of boxes set to "variable"), this setting serves a maximum limit for the number of boxes he may request. Otherwise, this setting determines the number of boxes that will appear on the upload form. URI upload boxes is the same type of control as File upload boxes, but it controls the presentation of URI upload boxes. Please note: on unbridged installs (or standard, stand-alone coppermine installs), the group "banned" feature really doesn't accomplish much. A user who is member of this group is still able to log in and view pics, he's just not able to upload, rate, send ecards or post comments. If you truly want to place a full ban on someone you should use the "banning" feature (which isn't group-based but individually based), instead. 4.4 The user control panelThe user control panel can be found when clicking "users" from the admin menu. It is the place where you create and manage your users. If you have enabled integration (bridging) Coppermine with another application (e.g. your favorite BBS app), Coppermine will use the member table of the application you bridged with (your BBS), so the built-in Coppermine user management will be disabled in favor of the user management that comes with the bridged application. This has been incorporated to eliminate redundancy and facilitate a seemless integration. As a result, you will not have this user control panel; clicking the "users" link will send you to your bridge application's user management instead. ![]() 4.4.1 Page controls
4.4.2 Searching for user(s)You can use the wildcards: * (for any string) and ? (any single character) or even %expression%. 4.4.3 Creating new usersTo create a new user, simply click on the button "Create new user" at the bottom of the user manager and fill in the form that will come up. This does of course not apply if you have bridging enabled, as user management is being handled by the app you have bridged coppermine with. In this case, the user management screen of your bridged app should show - create a new user there. 4.4.4 Editing users
Please note that this screen (as well as the rest of Coppermine's user management) will not be available if you have enabled bridging, because then the user management of the application you have bridged with (e.g. your BBS) kicks in and handles everything related to user management. 4.4.5 Group membershipWhen creating a new user or editing an existing user, you will notice a row named "User group" - it determines what group(s) the user is in. Example: if you want your registered users to be capable of viewing the gallery only, and only privileged users of your custom user group "photographers" are allowed to actually upload files, make all your users members of the built-in group "registered" (by default, they already are). Only for user you want to give the privilege to upload, tick the check box "photographers" as secondary group. Then go to your groups control panel and disallow uploads for the registered group there, but allow uploads for the custom group "photographers". Note: the button "album permission by group" beneath the checkboxes is not meant to assign album permissions, but only to check the permissions set. You can only assign particular album permissions on the album properties screen. 4.5 The categories control panelThis panel allows you to edit your categories.
"User galleries" is a special category. It is not visible unless
you have some users that have created their own gallery. It can't be
deleted but you can edit its title and description by using the You can specify how you want categories sorted in coppermine: alphabetically (instead of a customized order) by setting "Sort categories alphabetically" to "Yes". This setting is available both in coppermine config and the category manager. If you enable alphabetical sorting, the move up and move down arrows that normally let you manually sort the categories will disappear. Disable this feature if you want to organize your categories in some other order. You can only assign a picture to the category only if you have an album with images nested directly within it. 4.6 The Album ManagerCoppermine stores files inside of albums, so you'll need at least one album for your pictures/files to be placed in. Albums can be stored in categories (but they don't HAVE to be in a category, they can just as well go into the coppermine "root"). When you click on "albums" in the admin menu, you will see the Album Manager. 4.6.1 Creating albums
4.6.2 Renaming albums
4.6.3 Changing the album order
4.3.4 Deleting albums
4.7 Modifying albums/filesWhen you are in admin mode there is a menu displayed next to each album Delete allows you to delete the album and (CAUTION) all files within it. Properties allows you to modify the name, description and permissions of the album Edit files allows you to modify the title/caption/keywords etc... of the files in the album 4.8 Album propertiesThe "Album category" drop down list allows you to move an album from one category to another. If you set this to "* No category *" then the album will be displayed on your main page. Use bbcode to add links and additional formating to your descriptions. The thumbnail option lets you select the picture that will represent the album in the album list. Do not assign a picture here if you would like the album to select images randomly. If you have set "Users can can have private albums" to YES on the config page, you can determine who will have permission to view the files of this album. When "visitors can upload file" is set to YES, it is possible for them to upload files into albums by enabling this permission. Note that only visitors who are members of a group for which the setting "Can upload pictures" is set to YES. Members not in the permitted group will not be able to upload files into such an album. Non-registered users are members of the "Anonymous" group. The same rules as above apply for "Visitors can post comments" and "Visitors can rate files". In 1.4.x the Album Keyword is no longer being used for searching purposes, but, rather, to link images from other album into another. Using this method, files/images can be displayed in various albums while the file itself need only exists in one album on your webserver. You simply upload a file to one album as you would normally do, then assign one or more keywords to the file. The keyword function reads blank spaces between words as a 'break' and assumes that these words are separate words. If you must use phrases for your keywords, connect them with an underscore or by using the ascii space holder ctrl+Alt+0160 (NOTE: the latter option only works with latin based character sets.) Each album can only have ONE (1) keyword or keyword phrase. All pictures residing in different albums that you would like to be displayed in this album must have the same keyword or keyword phrase in their respective keyword fields. Pictures, unlike albums can have multiple keywords or keyword phrases separated by spaces. This provides you with the option to display pictures in many albums. For the visitor of these albums, it will appear as if the file/image had been uploaded to each. Album Password: you can specify an album to be password-protected (instead of relying on the "regular" group-based permissions). This way, you can even allow access for unlogged users (guests) who you provide the password to. Use this option, for example, to set up an album for your family members only by specifying a password that only they can come up with answering an additional password hint (e.g. "What was the maiden name of aunt Emma?"), or you could decide to send the particular password to specific friends, family or business associates by email. The optional password hint will be displayed at the password prompt, when set. Note: when setting an album password, the permission dropdown field "Album can be viewed by" will be switched automatically to "me only" - this is expected behaviour. If you change the "Album can be viewed by" to another selection, you must disable the album password as well. 4.8.1 Reset album properties![]() You can reset the number of views count and total ratings in the album properties panel and even delete all pics at once in the sub-section "Reset album" by ticking the desired checkboxes and then submitting the form. To prevent accidental resets, you will have to place a tick on the checkbox "I'm sure" before changes can be submitted (the button will be greyed out (disabled) if you don't). Use these options with care: the deleting of files is irreversible, as well as the reset of views and ratings (you can only restore views and ratings by manually editing coppermine's database entries with third-party tools like phpMyAdmin - not recommended). 4.9 Editing filesUse this link to modify your file's title, description, keywords, and custom fields (if they are used). Use the album drop down menu in the panel to move the file between albums. Use keywords to link files to other albums (see description in the albums section above). 4.9.1 Editing videosHere, you can modify the title, description, keywords, and custom fields (if they are used) of your video files. Use the album drop down menu to move the video to another album. Use the height and width fields to set the size of the video. Video uploads are possible beginning with cpg1.3.0 (or latter) and are included as part of the distribution package. For cpg1.2.1 you must install a separate modification. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] 4.9.2 Custom ThumbnailsOrder of thumbnails: Types of thumbnails: Extension-specific thumbnails are named after the extension of the file. (Examples: 'thumb_wmv.jpg', 'thumb_wav.jpg'.) The base name for media-specific thumbnails are 'thumb_movie', 'thumb_document', and 'thumb_audio'. Images use file-specific thumbnails by default. Uploading: 1. Have an image already uploaded then upload a video via the upload page. (or vice versa) The video will share the thumbnail of the image. 2. FTP upload both the video and (thumbnail or image) then batch-add. If you FTP upload the thumbnail, the thumbnail will be display in the batch add page instead of the default Coppermine thumbnail. If you upload an image it will look like the above screenshot. However, when the both files are added to the database, the thumbnail of the image will be used by the video. Final result. Note: If the first method is used and the image later deleted, the thumbnail will also be deleted and the default Coppermine thumbnails will be displayed, instead. Video uploads are permitted from verstion 1.3.0 of cpg (or better) and are included as part of the distribution package. For cpg1.2.1, this option is only available as a separate modification. The use of custom thumbnails aren't supported in versions prior to 1.3.0. NOTE: Using the above instructions, a custom thumbnail can be applied to any file, not just videos. FAQS:
[cpg1.3.0 or better required] 4.10 Using bbcode to insert links and special formatting in various description fieldsCoppermine understands the following bbCodes (the same bbCodes that are used by phpBB and many other BBS apps) in image and album description
4.11 Uploading pics/filesThere are several methods to upload files within Coppermine. You (as gallery admin) should use FTP-upload plus batch-add (only the admin can do this). Regular users are supposed to use the "regular" http upload or (if they have Windows XP) the XP Publisher. 4.11.1 Uploading pics by FTP / Batch-Add PicturesIt is recommended that the coppermine admin use ftp to upload multiple pics/files at a time. Use your ftp software to create sub-folders within your_coppermine_directory/albums/, where your ftp uploads can be saved. Though not mandatory, it's always a good idea to have a folder structure within the albums folder that reflects or mirrors your coppermine categories and albums. Important: do not create folders or ftp upload to the userpics- nor to the edit-folder by ftp: these folders are used by coppermine internally and must not be used for any other purpose! Folder names must not contain dots. We also highly recommend refraining from the use of any other special characters - use only a-z, numbers and - (dashes) or _ (underscores) to fill blank spaces. Make sure to upload in binary or auto-mode. Once you have uploaded your photos by ftp, click on the "Batch Add Pictures" button. The batch-add is performed in three steps:
Giving FTP-access to other users can pose a serious security threat, this is why batch-add is only available for the coppermine gallery admin. Once files have been added to coppermine's database, make sure that you never rename or delete them via ftp - use coppermine's admin menu options to remove or rename files, instead. Only in this way will these files be removed from both the file system and the database. 4.11.2 Uploading by HTTPRegular HTTP uploads use the browser's built-in capabilities to upload files to a server. The maximum file size is determined by two basic factors: the speed and amount of data the web-browser can upload before timing out, and the allowed file size determined by server settings. Note that those settings are not determined by coppermine, but the server config (php.ini). Users who are webhosted usually can't edit php.ini, so they will have to live with the settings the webserver admin has set up. Those who actually run their own server and can edit php.ini should take a look at the settings if (large) http uploads fail:
It should be obvious that the files have to be uploaded somewhere (into some folder) on your webserver - this is the albums folder within the folder you installed coppermine on your server. The HTTP uploads go into subfolders of the "userpics" folder (which resides within the "albums" folder). Obviously, the coppermine upload script needs write permissions to upload the files there. This is why you have to change permissions on the albums folder and everything within it during coppermine install - make it writable for the user the webserver runs under. This is done using the CHMOD command on Unix/Linux based servers. If you experience issues with uploading, make sure that you have set the permissions correctly. 4.11.3 Using Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard with CoppermineIf you are using Windows XP, you can use its built-in web publishing wizard to upload your photos to your gallery. Once you have properly installed the script on your server, call the xp_publish.php file from your web browser ( The script displays some information on how to do the installation on the client side and how to use the Wizard. Basically you will need to download a small file created by the script that needs to be loaded into your Windows registry. If you want to allow your users to use the Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard, it's advisable to promote it by showing a link to the file somewhere on your page. XP Web Publishing Wizard: SetupBefore you can use the XP Web Publishing Wizard, it needs to know the address of the your gallery. XP Web Publishing Wizard: Uploading picturesThe process of uploading pictures is a matter of following a simple dialog. It takes much longer to describe the process than do it.
[cpg1.1.1 or better required] 4.11.4 Upload troubleshootingIf you are experiencing issues with coppermine's upload process, temporarily change your coppermine settings as suggested below to get more detailed error messages. This applies to all upload methods, not only HTTP uploads.
(click on "Apply Modifications") Then try to upload (using http uploads, even if you experienced troubles using another upload method) - you should get a more detailed error message that tells you what exactly goes wrong with your uploads. If the error message doesn't mean anything to you, search the support board for the error message you get. 4.11.5 Asking for support on upload issues
When asking for support on the coppermine forum, post a link to your site and a test user account (the test user mustn't be in the admin group!) with upload privileges, with the above mentioned settings in place - this way, supporters can see the error messages as well. Do not post debug_output unless requested. If you want fast results, you should disable admin approval for the group the test user is in, so supporters can tell instantly what is wrong without needing to double-check. When people have issues with uploading and decide to post their question on the Coppermine support board, they usually are told to read this upload troubleshooting section. Many of them fail to do so properly, which results in frustration both for users as well as supporters. To make this absolutely clear: the above mentioned steps are absolutely mandatory, no matter what skill level you have, no matter what upload method you have troubles with. Failing to do exactly as suggested will result in your request for help being ignored. Yes, this applies to you. We mean it! 4.11.6 Error messages
Below is a list of common error messages and possible reasons / fixes. Before asking for support, make sure to have read the row that deals with the error you get and tried to apply the suggested fix.
4.12 The gallery configuration pageThis is where you will configure the most important parts of your coppermine gallery. Some settings have an impact on the files you upload - changing the ( * ) astericked options after you have alreaded added a large number of files in your gallery can be a difficult undertaking. For this reason, it is important that you spend time with your coppermine setup at the early stages of gallery development to get those settings exactly the way you want them, before actually uploading too many pics or listing the gallery to the general public. 4.12.1 General settingsGallery nameEnter the name of your gallery in this text field. The name you enter will appear as the title that is displayed in the web browser's title bar and is also displayed in many of the different theme templates. Gallery descriptionEnter a short description of your gallery in this text field. This description is also displayed in some of the theme templates just below the name of your gallery. Gallery administrator emailAll emails sent by the gallery will be sent using this email address. This must be a valid email address. URL of your coppermine gallery folderThis is the URL where a user will be directed to when s/he clicks on the "See more pictures" link in an e-card. This must be the URL to the root of your coppermine installation followed by a forward slash (just the path to your coppermine folder, e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/coppermine/). Do not specify a specific file (such as index.php) or subfolder within the coppermine gallery in this field. In previous versions of Coppermine, this field was called "Target address for the 'See more pictures' link in e-cards", but as this url is now being used for other functions in coppermine, it has been changed, appropriately. URL of your home pageThis is the URL where a user will be directed when he clicks on the "Home" button in the main menu. You can use "/" for the root of your domain, "index.php" for your gallery's default starting page, or any other valid URL. By default this is "index.php". [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Allow ZIP-download of favoritesWhen enabled, users of your site may download files that they previously saved into their favorites collection. These files are dowloaded from the user's "My favorites" page and saved onto their computers in a zip-file format. This option requires zlib to be installed on your server (run phpinfo to check if this php library file exists on your server). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Timezone difference relative to GMTSpecify the time zone difference between your local time and the time zone your webserver is in. This value will be used to adjust time stamps in ecards and other places. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Enable encrypted passwordsThis option affects changes on user passwords that are stored as plain text in your database (this is the case if you have upgraded from previous versions of coppermine that did not have this feature). It will encrypt all passwords in the database, and all future passwords will be stored encypted as well. This process can not be reversed: once encryption in turned on, it can not be turned off, so use this option only after giving it some serious consideration. This option increases user security in coppermine, but comes with a drawback inherent to this method: even the admin will not be able to recover a lost password of a user (or his own password). The password can only be reset to another value using the "I forgot my password" option during login. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Enable help-iconsEnables the display of help icons in various sections of the coppermine admin pages. When enabled, make sure you have also uploaded the "docs" folder into your coppermine folder on your webserver. If you choose to set this to "Yes: everyone", logged in (registered) users will be able to see the help icons in strategic locations as well, e.g. when creating a user gallery. As the help text is based on the documentation that comes with coppermine, it is available in English only. If the native language of your user(s) is not English, it is advisable to set this option to "Yes: admin only" to avoid confusion among your users. It is strongly recommended that you do not disable the help icons altogether: even though you feel that you know your way around in your Coppermine install, the help icons might help you with the functinos of a new or unfamiliar option later. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Enable clickable keywords in searchWhen enabled, a list of all keywords entered in the "Edit files" page will appear at the bottom of the search page, with each keyword being a clickable search link. Enabling this option is recommended only if you have a small number of keywords in use (e.g. less than 100) - it will provide your users with some ideas as to what they could be searching for in your gallery (in addition to the standard full-text search). Please note that enabling this option for a large list of keywords (e.g. thousands of keywords) can slow down the search page considerably and may be confusing for new users and visitors to your site. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Enable pluginsEnable or disable plugins, with a link to the plugin manager. This is a brand-new feature of coppermine. This feature allows advanced copperminers to create plug-ins that can control the way coppermine looks and behaves without modifying the inherent code of the script itself. We anticipate many exciting, user-contributed, plug-ins in the near future. More details can be found in the plugins section of this documentation. Since plugins add on to the core Coppermine system, if you are having problems, try to disable all plugins using this setting to see if a plugin may be at fault. If so, you can then enable all plugins here, then uninstall or install one plugin at a time in the plugin manager to figure out which one is at fault. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Allow banning of non-routable (private) IP addressesToday, most people on the internet have dynamic IP addresses that are assigned to them when connecting to the internet by their Internet Service Provider. These IP adresses change each time the user connects to the internet, but during an internet session these IP addresses are "visible" at the web-sites that thee user is surfing. Within the range of all IP adresses ( to, certan ranges are reserved for special purposes (mostly for the use on private networks). The banning feature will not accept IP adresses banning of addresses that belong to these private ranges (e.g. This is necessary to prevent unexperienced, as well as experienced, coppermine admins from banning IP addresses within their own LAN. If you're actually running Coppermine on your LAN/WAN that uses private IP addresses (e.g. on a company's intranet) and you want the authority to be able to ban users, switch this option to "Yes". If you're running coppermine on a webserver located in the internet (e.g. you're webhosted), you should keep this option set to "No". [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Browsable batch-add interfaceWhen batch-adding files (that you have uploaded using FTP before) to your gallery, you have the option to switch between a browsable list, where you can go scroll through the directory structure in your albums-folder or to display the whole directory structure at once. Enable this option if you have a larger structure of directories and subdirectories you want to browse through (this requires your browser to be capable of displaying iframes). Set this option to "No" (disabled) if you want to use the "classic" coppermine interface that shows a complete list of the structure at once. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.2 Language & Charset settingsLanguageThis sets the default language for your gallery. Coppermine has a separate language file that makes the translation of the script much more easy. The language files are stored in the lang directory. The files are unicode encoded (utf-8). They are automatically generated with the iconv program so there is no need for you to make an unicode version of your translation. If you select utf-8 to be the default encoding in coppermine's config, then the script will be able to automatically select a language file based on the visitor browser configuration. Here's how coppermine determines the language of a user: when accessed, coppermine checks if a user explicitely has set a language preference (which is stored in a cookie on the client). If one is set, coppermine is being displayed in that particular language. If no individual language preference has been set, coppermine detects the language preference of a user set up in his browser. If the browser language is (for example) English, then coppermine will display in English. If the browser language is set to hindi (as an example), while there is no Coppermine language file available for that particular language, then coppermine will fall back to the default language you have set up in Coppermine's config. As you can see, the determination of the actual language setting is a three step process:
This three-step-process is very helpful: in fact, you only set a default language in Coppermine's config (usually the language the majority of your visitors is speaking) and that's it: if a visitor who speaks another language visits your page, Coppermine's controls will display in his language. Usually, you don't have to provide a language selector on your page (but it's an option in Coppermine's config to display one if you prefer so). The language selector in fact just adds a parameter to the URL, which then subsequently triggers a cookie to be set on the client. You (as Coppermine admin) can accomplish the same by manually adding the parameter to the URL in the address bar of your browser. Just observe how the URL changes on the your coppermine gallery if you have enabled the language selector in coppermine's config to get an idea how this works. When the script auto detects the preferred language, it stores the result in a cookie on the visitor's computer. To reset this cookie (and thus force the script to do another auto detection) the user must call this autodetect function with something like: Once you have added comments or files to your gallery, you should not change the character set of your gallery. If you do so, non-ASCII characters may display properly. Fallback to English if translated phrase not found?Enable this option if you're using languages other than english. If a certain word or phrase doesn't exist within your language file, coppermine will display the equivalent english phrase, instead. This feature has been introduced to allow the use of previous version language files -- language files that may have not been translated for the this version, yet. Until an updated version of the language file is made available, you can use this option. Most translation differences affect the admin part of coppermine only, so the admin will experience most of these untranslated strings. The admin will see some phrases in english instead of his/her preferred language for strings and words that don't exist in the currently available language file. NOTE: this fallback option only works for 95% of all phrases, there may still be some other translation omissions. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Character encodingThis should normally be set to "Unicode (utf-8)" (or "Default (language file)"). See the discussion in the "language" section of this page. Display language listEnable this option if you want your users to be able to select a preferred language from a dropdown list (you can specify to display only the list itself or a label saying "Choose your language:" in front of the list). Edit your template file (/themes/yourtheme/template.html) to specify where the language dropdown list should appear on your gallery (look for the call tag: {LANGUAGE_SELECT_LIST}). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display language flagsEnable this option if you would like the option of having your users select languages appropriate for their use by merely clicking on a flag icon which representing their language or country (you can specify to display the flags themselves or include a label that states: "Choose your language:" in front of the flags). Edit your template file (/themes/yourtheme/template.html) to specify where the flags should appear in your gallery (look for the call tag:{LANGUAGE_SELECT_FLAGS}). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display "reset" in the language selectionThis option only applies only if you enabled user language selection - it will show a "default"-icon or list entry to let the users go back to the original language of your gallery. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] 4.12.3 Themes settingsThemeUse this dropdown list to select the default theme for your gallery (Themes are stored in sub-directories of the themes directory ). Display theme listEnable this option if you want your users to be able to select other themes from a dropdown list (you can specify to display only the list itself or a label saying "Choose your theme:" in front of the list). Edit your template file (/themes/yourtheme/template.html) to specify where the theme dropdown list should appear on your gallery (look for {THEME_SELECT_LIST}). This option only makes sense if you have at least one alternative theme in your /themes/ folder other than your default theme. We recommend using this option only if there's are additional benefits for the user (for example a theme with less graphics in it that loads faster for users on a dial-up connection, or a theme with reduced color pallettes and good contrast). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display "reset" in theme selectionThis option applies only if you enabled the user theme selection option - it will show a "default" list entry to let the users go back to the original theme of your gallery. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display FAQThis option adds a "FAQ" link to the menu bar when enabled. If a user clicks on it, it will display a list of "Frequently asked question" on how to use coppermine. To change the content of the FAQ, edit the file /your_coppermine_folder/lang/yourlanguage.php (e.g. english.php) and look for // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File faq.php // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit the content that comes after it. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Name of your custom linkUse this if you want to create a custom link that will appear in the menu. What you enter here will be the name of the menu link or button. Leave space blank if you do not have any specific use for it. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] URL of your custom linkThis is the URL where the user's browser will be directed to when s/he clicks on the "Custom link name" button in the main menu. You can use any valid URL. Leave this blank if you do not have any specific use for it. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Display bbcode helpWhen enabled, this will display the bulletin board codes that may be used in description fields to help with the formatting of text, images and links. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display the vanity block on themes that are defined as XHTML and CSS compliantWhen enabled and using a theme that has been defined as XHTML and CSS compliant, the vanity block will be shown. The vanity block contains the logos and links for HTML and CSS compliance at, as well as pointers to the PHP, and MySQL projects. [cpg1.4.2 or better required] Path to custom header includeOptional relative path to a custom header file. Using this option, you can include non-coppermine code bits to be included into your theme, e.g. an overall navigation that gets included on your whole website. You can only add a relative path (seen from the root path of your coppermine install) - not an absolute one, nor a http include from another website. This option is only meant for experienced users who have some PHP know-how. Warning: you mustn't include full html pages that contain an html header or footer (tags like <head> or <body>), nor can the included file do file header manipulation, e.g. reading another (non-coppermine) cookie. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Path to custom footer includeOptional relative path to a custom footer file. The same remarks apply as for the custom header include path. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.4 Album list viewWidth of the main table (pixels or %)The number you type in here becomes the default width of the display tables used on your main page or when you are viewing thumbnails of an album. You can enter the width in pixels or specify it in percentages. The default value is 100%. Number of levels of categories to displayThe default value is 2. With this value the script will display the current categories plus one level of sub-categories. Number of albums to displayThis is the number of albums to display on a page. If the current category contains more albums than what is allowed on the page, the album list will be split over multiple pages with tabs at the bottom of each album list table that users can click on to advance to the next set of albums in a particular category. Number of columns for the album listSelf-explanatory. The default value is 2. Size of thumbnails in pixelsThis sets the maximum size of the thumbnails that are to be displayed for each album. 50 means that the thumbnail will fit inside a square of 50x50 pixels. If the size you specify there is larger than "Pictures and thumbnails settings/Max width or height of a thumbnail", the thumbnail will be stretched. Aesthetically, it is better to have thumbnails smaller than or equal to the Max width or height settings here. The content of the main pageThis option allows you to change the content of the main page displayed by the script. The default value is "catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2" You can use the following "codes" to include other items:
Unless you really know what you are doing you should always keep catlist and alblist in "the content of the main page", as they make up the core parts of the index page or any gallery site, for that matter. The ,2 dictates that cpg should display 2 rows of thumbnails. Show first level album thumbnails in categoriesUse this setting to choose whether or not to display thumbnails from the first album of the categories listed on the default gallery entry page. Sort categories alphabetically (instead of custom sort order)You can dictate that coppermine sort all categories alphabetically (instead of in a custom order) by setting "Sort categories alphabetically" to "Yes". This setting is accessible both in the coppermine config menu and in the category manager. If you enable alphabetical sorting, the up and down arrows that normally let you move categories up and down in the custom sorting list will disappear. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Show number of linked filesIf you use album keywords to display images/files in more than one album, enabling this option will display additional information for the album stats: if an album doesn't only contain "regular" files, but files linked via the "album keyword" option as well, the number of linked files will be displayed separately like this "3 files, last one added on Oct 07, 2004, 3 linked files, 6 files total". [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.5 Thumbnail viewNumber of columns on thumbnail pageDefault value is 4 this means that each row will show 4 thumbnails. Number of rows on thumbnail pageDefault value is 3. Maximum number of tabs to displayWhen the thumbnails spread over multiple pages, tabs are displayed at the bottom of the page. This value define how many tabs will be displayed. Display file caption (in addition to title) below the thumbnailToggles whether the file caption is displayed below each thumbnail while user is in (regular) thumbnail view. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display number of views below the thumbnailToggles whether the number of views is displayed below each thumbnail while user is in thumbnail view. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display number of comments below the thumbnailToggles the display of the number of comments for below each thumbnail. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Display uploader name below the thumbnailToggles the display of the name of non-admin uploaders below each thumbnail. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Display names of admin uploaders below the thumbnailToggles the display of admin uploader names below each thumbnail for users that have the administrators group set as thier default group. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Display the file name below the thumbnailToggles the display of the file name below each thumbnail. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Default sort order for filesThis option determines the default order in which thumbnails should be displayed. Your user can override this by selecting a custom sort order from the sort buttons above the albums. Minimum number of votes for a file to appear in the 'top-rated' listUsed to determine how many votes a file must receive before appearing as a "top-rated file." If a file has received less than "this value" of votes, it will not be displayed in the "top-rated" page. This value must be greater or equal to 1. 4.12.6 Image viewWidth of the table for picture display (pixels or %)The minimum width of the table that will be used to display the intermediate picture. Examples: File information are visible by defaultDefine whether or not the file information block that appears below the intermediate image should be visible by default (If turned off, users can still view the info block by clicking on the ( i ) button.. Max length for an image descriptionMaximum number of characters that an image description may contain. Show film stripToggles display of a "film strip" showing thumbnails of prior and subsequent files in the album. [cpg1.2.0 or better required] Display file name under film strip thumbnailToggles the display of the file name below each thumbnail in the film strip. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Number of items in film stripSets the number of thumbnails to display in film strip. The number you can set here is dependent on your thumbnail size and monitor size. If you do not want to inconvenience users with smaller monitors set this value between 4-6. [cpg1.2.0 or better required] Slideshow interval in millisecondsThis sets the time that each pic is to be displayed (transition interval) when a user is viewing a slideshow (the next pic is being loaded/cached while the current one is being displayed). This setting must be in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). 4.12.7 Comment settingsFilter bad words in commentsRemove "bad words" from comments. The "bad words" list is in the language file. NOTE: Not all language files may contain an equivelent for this list. Allow smilies in commentsToggle the use of smilies in comments. Allow several consecutive comments for a specific pic/file from the same userThis setting toggles flood protection for the comments option. When set to YES, a user can post another comment, even though he already posted a previous one. Some users may abuse this setting. The recommended setting is: NO. Max number of characters in a wordThis is designed to prevent someone from breaking the flow of your gallery layout by posting lengthy comments without using spaces between words. With this default value, "words" that longer than 38 characters are automatically censored. Max number of lines in a commentPrevent a comment for containing too many "new line" characters (enter key). Maximum length of a commentMaximum number of characters that a comment may contain. Notify admin of comments by emailToggle if you want to receive an email each time a comment is being posted. Warning: only enable this option on sites with very low user traffic or you may soon find yourself flooded with notification emails. Sort order of commentsChanges the sorting order of comments made to a file. Prefix for anonymous comments authorsIf you allowed anonymous comments (permissions set on the groups control panel), this prefix will be used for comments left by unregistered users. This can be helpful in preventing and identifing unregistered users posing as other registered users (or even an admininstrators) when leaving comments. Leave this blank if you do not want a prefix for guest's comments. 4.12.8 Picture and thumbnail settingsQuality for JPEG filesThe quality used for JPEG compression when the script resizes an image. Values can range from 0 (worst) to 100 (best). By default this value is set to 80. This value can be set to 75 when using ImageMagick. Max dimension of a thumbnailSets the maximum allowable size in pixels for the specified dimension of your thumbnails. When changing this setting, only files that are added after the change will be affected. Therefore, it is advisable that this setting not be changed after photos have already been added to the gallery. You can, however, apply the changes to the existing pictures with the "admin tools (resize pictures)" utility from the admin menu.
Use dimension ( width or height or Max aspect for thumbnail )Sets the dimension (height or width) on which the maximum pixel size limitation should apply to. When changing this setting, only files that are added after the change will be affected. Therefore, it is advisable that this setting not be changed after photos have already been added to the gallery. You can, however, apply the changes to the existing pictures with the "admin tools (resize pictures)" utility from the admin menu.
Create intermediate picturesBy default, whenever you upload a file, the script creates both a thumbnail of the file (file name using "thumb_" as its prefix) and an intermediate version of the file(file name using "normal_" as its prefix). If you set this option to NO, the intermediate file will not be created. Max width or height of an intermediate picture/videoThe intermediate pictures are those that appears when you click on a thumbnail. The default value is 400, it means that the intermediate picture will be created to fit inside a square of 400x400 pixels. NOTE: Currently, 33% of your users have monitors set at 800 pixels wide, another 33% have their settings at 1024 pixels, the rest have settings less than or greater than these two numbers. Therefore a setting of 600 or less would fit the screens of most users. Keep in mind,however, that setting this size larger than 400 impacts the file size of your intermediate pictures and the time it takes to download and display on slower connections. Max size for uploaded files (KB)Any file with a file size larger than this value will be rejected by the coppermine script. Setting this option to a higher value than what is actually supported by your webserver will only result in "funny" webserver error messages in lieu of "regular" coppermine error messages. Therefore, it is recommended that you set this value to a size that is slightly lower or equal to the max file size that your server is set to handle. The actual size your server can handle cannot be determined by Coppermine (or any PHP script) - when in doubt, contact your webhost. Prior to an FTP upload of files, it is recommended that the admin use their imaging software to resize (individually or by batch processing) larger files to a more practical size. This will facilitate the FTP process and the creation of intermediate pictures and thumbnails. Max width or height for uploaded pictures (pixels)Limits the height and width dimensions of the pictures that are uploaded. Resizing large pictures requires a lot of memory and consumes CPU resources. As a result, there are usually limitations that have been set by your webserver (host) regarding the maximum uploadable file sizes - you cannot set this value to one that is higher than what is actually supported by your webserver. Contact your webhost/server if you are not sure about your site's file size limitations. (Ideally, users will resize their pictures to a more manageable size prior to attempting any uploads. Determine what you would like the maximum size for a full size pic should be (dpi and dimensions, while keeping in mind the screen size of your users) and use that as a recommended standard for FTP and user HTTP uploads. Inform your users of this recommended size constraints.) Auto resize images that are larger than max width or heightDuring the upload process, if images are larger than the maximum width or height allowed they will automatically be resized to the maximum allowable size. Users with especially large files should be advised to resize their pictures outside of coppermine before uploading as this process also consumes considerable resources when processed online. Note: How the image is resized (width/height/max aspect) is set in the admin option "Use dimension (width or height or Max aspect for thumbnail)" There are three options:
[cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.9 Files and thumbnails advanced settingsAlbums can be privateIf set to YES then your gallery can contain albums that are visible only to users that belong to a specified group. This is ideal for creating albums that contain files that you want accessible to only a select group of people. You could also create a userID and password and inform specific users/customers of the ID and password needed to view these files. If a user is a member of a group that can have its own gallery and this option is turned on then this user will have the permission to hide any of his/her albums from other users. This option does not determine whether users can have personal galleries at all, nor does it determine who is allowed to upload and who is not (these settings are accessible in the groups manager). You should only set this option to NO if you really know what you're doing (by default, it is set to YES). Note: if you switch from 'yes' to 'no' all currently private albums will become public! Show private album Icon to unlogged userToggles the display of the private album icons to unlogged users. Characters forbidden in filenamesWhen the filename of a file that is uploaded contains any one or more of these characters, the characters will be replaced with an underscore. Don't change this unless you know exactly what you are doing. Allowed image types"ALL" will result in all allowed image file types that your image library (GD or ImageMagick) is capable of handling to be allowed as uploads and content in your gallery. If you want to restrict the allowed file types to certain types only, enter a slash-separated list of extensions, e.g. jpg/bmp/tif [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Allowed movie types"ALL" will result in all allowed movie file types to be uploaded. If you want to restrict the allowable file types to certain extensions only, enter a slash-separated list of extensions, e.g. wmv/avi/mov. Note that being able to display a movie requires that the cpg-user have the necessary codecs properly configured on their computers to display the movie file, e.g. if you allow the file type mov, the user who wishes to view the file will need to have Apple's Quick-Time plug-in installed. Also note that avi is just a container for different codecs - this means that a computer which is capable of playing movie1.avi may not be capable of playing movie2.avi if those files have been encoded with different 'avi' codecs. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Movie Playback AutostartIf set to YES, movies will instantly start playing when loaded (has no affect on0 flash files, however). Nothing will happen if the user does not have the necessary codecs installed on their computer. Allowed audio types"ALL" will result in all allowable audio file types to be uploaded. If you want to restrict the allowed file types to certain extensions only, enter a slash-separated list of extensions, e.g. wav/mp3/wma. Note that being able to listen to an audio file requires that the cpg-user have the necessary codecs properly configured on their computers to hear these files, e.g. if you allow the file type mp3, users who wish to listen to the file will need to have a media player installed on their computer that can handle mp3 files. Warning: if your webserver is not hardened against an exploit of a vulnerability in the apache webserver setup, then it might be a security risk to allow the upload of ram, ra and rm-files. If you're not sure, do not allow this file types. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Allowed document types"ALL" will result in all allowable document file types to be uploaded. If you want to restrict the allowable file types to certain extensions only, enter a slash-separated list of extensions, e.g. txt/pdf. Note that being able to browse a document file requires the cpg-user to have a compatible software installed and configured properly on their computer that is capable of displaying the type of document in question, e.g. if you allow the file type xls, users who wish to browse the file will need to have an application installed on their computer that can display MS-Excel sheets. Be extremely careful with document that are known to be vulnerable to virus contamination, embedded or as macros. This is especially true if you plan to allow users the capability of uploading documents without admin approval. Warning: if your webserver is not hardened against an exploit of a vulnerability in the apache webserver setup, then it might be a security risk to allow the upload of rar-files. If you're not sure, do not allow this file type. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Method for resizing imagesSet this to the type of image library you have on your server (must be either GD1, GD2 or ImageMagick). GD2 is the recommended setting. If you are using GD 1.x and the colors of your thumbnails or intermediate image do not display properly, then, chances are, you actually have GD2 on your server - switch this option to GD 2.x More recent distributions of PHP come pre-packaged with GD - if you're not sure what you have, set this option to GD2. You can also look at your PHP settings by pointing your browser to the phpinfo.php file in your gallery. eg, For more information on using PHP click on this link: phpinfo. Path to ImageMagick 'convert' utility (example /usr/bin/X11/)If you intend using ImageMagick convert utility to resize you picture, you must enter the name of the directory where the convert program is located in this line. Don't forget the trailing "/" to close the path. This path must only indicate the directory where the convert utility is located, it should not point directly to the convert utility. If your server is running under Windows, use / and not \ to separate components of the path (eg. use C:/ImageMagick/ and not C:\ImageMagick\). This path must not contain any spaces under Windows so that it will not put ImageMagick in the "Program files" directory. ImageMagick will not work properly if PHP on your server is running in SAFE mode and it is a real challenge to get it running under Windows. Please consider using GD in these cases and don't waste your time asking for support in the forum with ImageMagick installation questions. There are just too many things that can prevent ImageMagick from work properly and without physical access to your server it is extremely difficult to guess what is wrong. Allowed image types (only valid for ImageMagick)This is the list of image types that the script will accept when using ImageMagick. Image type detection is performed by reading the header of the file and not by looking at its file extension. Command line options for ImageMagickHere you can add options that will be appended to the command line when executing ImageMagick. Read the ImageMagick Convert manual to see what is available. Read EXIF data in JPEG filesWith this option turned on, the script will read the EXIF data stored by digicams in JPEG files. For cpg1.x to cpg1.2.1, this option will work only if PHP was compiled with the EXIF extension. Coppermine 1.3.0 (or better) comes with built-in EXIF support even if the webserver itself doesn't have EXIF support, as it uses a separate EXIF class. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Read IPTC data in JPEG filesWith this option turned on, the script will read the IPTC data stored by digicams in picture files. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] The album directoryThis is the base directory for your "Image Store". The path is relative to the main directory of the script. You can use ../ in the path to move-up one level in the directory tree. You can not use an absolute path there ("/var/my_images/" will not work) and the album directory must be visible by your web server. This setting mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database. If you do so, all references to your existing files will break. The directory for user filesThis is the directory where files uploaded using the web interface (URL/URI) are stored. This directory is a subdirectory of the album directory. It's recommended that you leave this setting as is. Should you decide to change it, keep in mind that the folder must exist within the albums folder and the path should be relative to it. The same remarks as above apply. When you upload files by FTP, store them in a subdirectory (folder) of the "album directory" and not inside the "directory for user files". This setting mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database. If you do, all reference to previously existing files will no longer be valid. The prefix for intermediate picturesThis prefix is added to the file name of created pictures. These setting mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database. If you do, all reference to your existing files will become invalid. The prefix for thumbnailsThis prefix is added to the file name of created intermediate thumbnails. These setting mustn't be changed if you already have files in your database. If you do, all reference to your existing files will become invalid. Default mode for directoriesIf, and only if, during the file upload or batch add process, the installer complains about the directory not having the right permissions, try setting this to 0777 . Failure to do so may prevent you from being able to delete directories created by the script with your FTP client should you ever decide it necessary to uninstall the coppermine script. Note: setting this option doesn't CHMOD the files or folders that are being uploaded. Instead, the setting is used when coppermine, itself, creates new folders for user uploads (within the userpics directory). If you experienced problems during the initial Coppermine setup related to permissions, this option is not what you have been looking for nor should it be changed ( for more information regarding CHMOD, see the FAQ.htm document located in the DOCS folder of this installation package ). Default mode for filesIf, and only if, during the file upload or batch add process, the installer complains about the directory not having the right permissions, try setting this to 0666. Note: setting this option doesn't CHMOD the files or folders that are being uploaded. Instead, the setting is used when coppermine, itself, creates new folders for user uploads (within the userpics directory). If you experienced problems during the initial Coppermine setup related to permissions, this option is not what you have been looking for nor should it be changed ( for more information regarding CHMOD, see the FAQ.htm document located in the DOCS folder of this installation package ). 4.12.10 User settingsAllow new user registrationsDefines whether new users can self-register or not. If you set this to NO, only the admin can create new users and the "register" link won't be displayed in the navigation. Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) accessWhen set to "No", unlogged users (i.e. guests or anonymous users) can not access anything in your gallery except the login screen (and the registration screen, if you allow registrations). Completely disabling anonymous access will probably decrease your site's popularity. Use this option only if you need your gallery to be absolutely private. The recommended setting is to leave anonymous access enabled and use the more specific permissions by groups and albums settings instead. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] User registration requires email verificationIf set to YES an email will be sent to the user that will contain a code to activate his account. If set to NO, user accounts become immediately active. Notify admin of user registration by emailIf set to YES an email will be sent to the gallery admin when a new user registers. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Admin ActivationEnable admin activation. When set to yes, a gallery administrator must first activate the new registration before the user can log-in and take advantage of any registered user privileges. By default, it is set to no, so users would activate their own accounts upon registering. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Allow two users to have the same email addressAllow or prevent two users from registering with the same email address. Recommended setting is NO. As most internet users today have more than one email address, this option is being considered as deprecated and will possibly be removed in future versions of coppermine. Notify admin of user upload awaiting approvalWhen enabled, the gallery admin receives an email notification of all pics that await for his/her approval (depends on the approval settings in "groups"). The email is sent to the address specified in "General settings". This option is only recommended for websites with low or medium traffic (where users only upload every now and then). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Allow logged in users to view memberlistWhen enabled, an additional menu item "Memberlist" is displayed in the coppermine main menu if a user is logged in, to let him see a list of all users, with stats on their last visits, uploads and quota usage. This is a new feature since cpg1.3.0 (user contribution by Jason) - it's available as mod (not in the regular coppermine package) for older versions than cpg1.3.0. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Allow users to change their email address in profileThis option impacts the user's profile page, it determines whether or not the user can change his/her own email address. This option only applies if you use Coppermine as a standalone application; if you run Coppermine integrated with a bbs, this option will be deferred to the user profile from your bbs to manage each user's profile. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Allow users to retain control over their pics in public galleriesWhen enabled, both the admin and the uploading user can edit and delete files that were uploaded to a public gallery. Of course the user must have permissions to upload to the public gallery in the first place (see the groups control panel) before this option will have any effect. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Number of failed login attempts until temporary ban (to avoid brute force attacks)To make brute force attacks (where a hostile script tries to log into coppermine as admin by running through all possible combinations of username and password automatically) less effective Coppermine temporarily bans the IP address of a possible attacker after a certain amount of failed logins. This way, the brute force attack would need way to long to try all possible combinations. With this setting you specify the maximum number of failed log-in attempts before the IP address of the user is temporarily banned. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Duration of a temporary ban after failed loginsThis value specifies the duration of the temporary ban (in minutes) after the number of failed log-in attempts specified with Number of failed login attempts until temporary ban. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Enable reportsEnable reports. When set to "yes," this feature will allow users to report on uploaded files or comments to the site admin. This setting is dependant on e-cards being enabled. Only users who have permission to send e-cards in the 'groups' settings are able to send reports. The report icon is hidden from those not allowed to do so. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.11 Custom fields for user profile (leave blank if unused). Use Profile 6 for long entries, such as biographiesThese fields are displayed within the "user profile" area. They will appear only if you assign a name to the field. As instructed in the heading, use field 6 for long entries, such as biographies, or if you want to include the use of bb code. You can also use field 6 for avatars. To show an avatar in the profile, it should be entered in bbcode, for example to show 'avatar.gif', which is located in your images folder, use the code [img][/img] 4.12.12 Custom fields for image description (leave blank if unused)These fields are displayed within the "file information" area. They will appear only if you give them a name. 4.12.13 Cookie settingsName of the cookie used by coppermineDefault value is "coppermine". Even if you have multiple instances of the script running on the same server you can keep the default value. When using bbs integration, make sure it differs from the bbs's cookie name Path of the cookie used by the scriptDefault value is "/". Don't change this unless you know what you are doing. This may prevent you from logging in. If you have broken your gallery by modifying this value, use phpMyAdmin to edit the xxxx_config table in your database and restore the default value. When using bbs integration into Coppermine, make sure to use different cookie names for coppermine and your bbs! The paths in both applications have to be set so coppermine is able to read both. Usually the default value "/" should be set as path both for coppermine install and the BBS app you bridge with. 4.12.14 Email settingsUsually nothing has to be changed here; leave all fields blank when not sure. Only if you run into problems (e.g. if ecards, registration info or notifications don't get sent) you should change these settings. Coppermine itself doesn't come with an engine to send mails, it relies on a webserver being able to do so (using the built-in mechanisms of PHP). If you're not sure what to enter, ask your webhost for support. SMTP HostThe hostname of the SMTP server [cpg1.4.0 or better required] SMTP UsernameThe username needed to authenticate on the SMTP server (this is not your coppermine admin username). [cpg1.4.0 or better required] SMTP PasswordThe password that goes with above mentioned username (not identical to your coppermine admin password). [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.12.15 Logging & statisticsLike all logs (that record data that would get dropped if logging was disabled), the logging features of Coppermine will have a slight performance impact as well as an impact on webspace and database usage. You should make up your mind if you actually will need the logs before enabling the feature. A log is only helpful if the admin actually looks into it. Logging modeSet, what kind of logging you want to enable. This feature records all changes that are done in coppermine's database, which is especially helpful if you're trying to debug or if there are various admins on a gallery. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] Log ecardsWhen enabled, all ecards that are being sent are as well written into the database, where the coppermine admin can view them. Before switching this option on, make sure that logging is legal in your country. It is also advisable to notify your users that all ecards are being logged (preferrably on the registration screen). [cpg1.3.0 or better required] Keep detailed vote statisticsEnabling this option records:
of the voter. As the statistics are being kept per file, the link to the stats can be accessed on the individual file's page (displayimage.php) by clicking the link in the file info section to open the stats pop-up. Note: The total votes may not match if you enable details and do not reset the earlier votes. Keep detailed hit statisticsEnabling this option records:
of the visitor. As the statistics are being kept per file, the link to the stats can be accessed on the individual file's page (displayimage.php) by clicking the link in the file info section to open the stats pop-up. Note: The total hits may not match if you enable details and do not reset the earlier hits. 4.12.16 Miscellaneous settingsEnable debug modeCPG will show error messages which are normally suppressed. This is helpful in troubleshooting problems with your gallery or when asking for help on the CPG Support Forums. Turn this feature off if you don't experience problems. Turn it on (option "Everyone") if you are requesting help on the coppermine support board, so the supporters can have a look at the debug output as well. Choose the option "Admin only" when troubleshooting on your own - debug output will be only visible when you're logged in as admin, regular users or guests won't see the debug output. Display notices in debug modeMay be helpful to troubleshoot problems with your coppermine install - only recommended if you know a little PHP and you can understand the additional error messages this option shows. This option only applies if debug mode is enabled. Gallery is offlineIf you have to do maintenance work on your gallery, switch it to offline mode. Only members of the admin group will be able to log in, all other users will only see "Gallery is offline". Remember to switch this option off once your maintenance work is done. [cpg1.3.0 or better required] 4.13 EXIF dataThe "Exchangeable image file" format (Exif) is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras with the addition of specific metadata tags. The meta data are written by the camera and can be post-processed using certain desktop applications. Coppermine is capable of displaying some of the EXIF data within the pic info section, like date and time information, camera settings, location information, descriptions and copyright information. 4.13.1 EXIF manager
Tick the checkboxes in the exif manager that you want to show up in coppermine's pic info section (if the image file actually holds this particular set of information). 4.14 PluginsIncluded in your coppermine setup are two basic plugins:
You can find more plugins on the Coppermine Support Forum, both from Coppermine developers and from user contributions. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 4.14.1 What is a plugin?Starting from cpg1.4.0, coppermine comes with a plugin API that enables plugin authors to modify coppermine features without hacking the core code, making upgrading easier, as modifications don't have to be re-applied every time you upgrade your coppermine version. It's recommended to use plugins instead of code modifications that require hacking the core code. 4.14.2 The Plugin APIThe plugin API consists of several "hooks" all over the core code of coppermine that allows plugin authors to interact with coppermine functions, overriding or adding features. There are limitations to what can be done using a plugin, as the number of hooks is limited. As a result, not every change of coppermine behaviour that could be accomplished by hacking the core code is possible to achieve using the plugin API. However, using a plugin is more elegant and usually much easier to install and get running (at least for the end user) than a crude core code hack. Installing and configuring a plugin doesn't require the coppermine admin to mess with the source code - you simply upload the plugin, install it, configure it and you're done. If the plugin has been coded as suggested and is mature enough, it should come with a configuration screen that makes editing source code irrelevant. 4.14.3 The Plugin ManagerThe plugin manager is the central place from where you upload, install, configure and remove plugins. It can be acceessed in two ways:
The plugin manager organizes the plugins you have in your Coppermine directory. It is important to understand the difference between uploading plugins and installing plugins. When you copy a plugin to the Coppermine plugins folder (using the Upload button on the plugin manager or via FTP), you have merely uploaded the plugin files. The plugin is not installed yet. When you install a plugin, Coppermine runs the plugin's installation routine to configure and activate the plugin so that it will be executed when people use your gallery. To clearly show which plugins are running and which are not, the plugin manager is separated into two sections (see screen capture below):
By default, coppermine comes with some sample or code plugins (none of them are enabled by default though), additional plugins can be found on the corresponding section of coppermine's forum. Uploading a pluginUnless you're going to code your own plugins, they usually come packaged up already, compressed into a zip file. There are two options how to upload a plugin:
After uploading the files (you may need to refresh the plugin manager page), the plugin you just uploaded should show in the list "Plugins Not Installed". If it does, you can continue to the next step and install the plugin. Installing a pluginInstalling a plugin is fairly straightforward - just click on the Plugin ConfigurationSome plugins may need to be configured during install, others may have a separate configuration page that can be accessed at any time. This depends on how the plugin author wrote the plugin, so we can't give any recommendations within this documentation. Some plugins may even need to be configured before actually being uploaded (especially plugins in alpha or beta stage - these may come without a browser-driven configuration page and require you to modify the plugin's code to configure the plugin). If unsure, take a look in the unzipped plugin archive on your hard-drive - usually, plugins that require you to edit or configure anything come with a README file that tells you how to do so. Uninstalling a pluginExecuting a plugin might be consuming resources or not work as expected, so you might want to uninstall a plugin at some time (maybe because you just tried it out and it doesn't work as expected for you). It's recommended not to just delete the plugin's subfolder using your FTP app (because the plugin might have applied database changes that need to be undone). Instead, you should go to the plugin manager and click on the To finally delete an inactive plugin from your server's plugin folder, click the 4.14.4 Writing pluginsAs suggested above, there's no documentation available yet for plugin authors, so the only method to learn how plugins work is by looking at the source code. Examine the code of the plugins that come with coppermine, or take a look at some that are available for download from the plugin contributions sub-board on the coppermine web page. If you accomplished writing a plugin, we ask you to share it with the coppermine community by posting it on the appropriate board (this is of course not mandatory, but we'd appreciate to see your contribution). We would welcome a user-contributed API documentation or a list of hooks as well, or other related documentation. 5. Integrating the script with your bulletin board5.1 Available bridge filesCoppermine can be integrated with the following bulletin boards (eg. Coppermine and your bulletin board will share the same user database).
5.2 Pre-requistes5.2.1 Authentication by cookieThe login integration uses your bulletin board cookies, therefore it won't work if your board cookies are not visible by Coppermine. So unless you are an expert, keep things simple and install Coppermine and your bulletin board on the same domain. Examples :
The cookie path in the forum's configuration should be set to '/' where this option is available. Important: the cookie names of your bbs and coppermine must not be the same - they must differ! 5.2.2 Standalone version firstTo avoid confusion, make sure to set up both coppermine and your bbs as standalone first. Make sure they both run correctly without integration. Test all features of coppermine (like upload, registration etc.) when Coppermine is installed, before you even start integration. 5.2.3 Coppermine users, groups and pics uploaded by users are lost when integratingWarning: If you already have users and custom groups in your coppermine database when you enable bbs integration, be aware that they will be lost. If your coppermine users have already created private albums and uploaded pics to them, they will be lost as well! 5.2.4 BackupBackup: it is very advisable to backup both your coppermine database and your files before enabling bbs integration, so you can safely go back if the integration fails. In fact you're encouraged to backup your database on a regular base, and especially before applying code changes. 5.3 Integration stepsFrom cpg1.4.x on you can use the Bridge Manager that will provide a wizard-like interface to enable/disable bridging. 5.3.1 Using the bridge managerThe bridge manager is a new feature in cpg1.4, it is not available in older versions. Instead of manually editing coppermine code files, you can enable/disable bridging in your browser, using a wizard-like user interface. To start the bridge manager, log in as admin, choose "Admin Tools" from the navigation and the "bridge manager"
Note: with each step in the wizard, some information is being written to the coppermine database. Unlike other wizards (mostly on your local machine), the bridge manager doesn't have a ""cancel"-button! Once you have enabled bridging and everything is working fine, you shouldn't change any values just out of curiosity, as they will get written to the database, which might result in a bridging that used to work not working any more after "playing" with it.
If you have a custom-made bridge file that is not available in the wizard, choose the radio button in front of the text field and enter the name of your bridge file there, without the extension ".inc.php" (the bridge file must reside in the coppermine sub-folder "bridge"). The next steps depend on the application you have chosen to bridge with: some applications need URLs to be entered, or paths. Some need mySQL table information or cookie data to be entered, others don't. The point of the wizard is that it will only "ask" you the relevant settings for your application - if one or more items of the following description doesn't turn up for your application, there's no need to worry - just keep filling in the mandatory information and then hit "next". However, you have to understand that coppermine can proof-check only some of your input - some input goes unvalidated. If a reset button ( choose application to bridge coppermine with path(s) used by your BBS app BBS-specific settings enable/disable BBS integrationThis is the last step of the bridge manager - it summarizes up the settings you have made in previous steps - you can enable or disable integration here. By default, integration is set to "disabled" after the bridge manager has been run for the first time. You should only enable integration if you're sure your BBS app is set up correctly. Click the "Finish" button in any case to finally write to the database, even if you choose to keep the current settings (leaving integration "disabled").
[cpg1.4.0 or better required] 5.3.2 Recover from failed bridgingIf you have provided improper settings using the bridge manager, your integration might fail, resulting (in the worst case) in a stituation where bridging is enabled, but you can not log in as admin to switch it off again (e.g. if you provided improper cookie settings that stops authentication from working). For this situation a recovery setting was built into the bridge manager: if you are not logged in as coppermine admin (in fact: not logged in at all) and you access the URL of your bridge manager (http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.php) by entering it manually into the address bar of your browser, you are prompted to enter your admin account details - use the admin account you used to install coppermine with in the first place (the standalone admin account). This will not log you in, but switch integration off, so you can fix improper bridging settings then. To avoid others trying to guess your admin account details, there's a login treshold that rises every time you enter wrong credentials, so enter your admin account details with care. [cpg1.4.0 or better required] 5.3.3 Synchronising the bbs groups with Coppermine's groupsLogin using the admin account of your board. Go to the gallery, enter admin mode and click on the "Groups" button. This will synchronize Coppermine groups with those of your board. The permission you will see for each group will be completely messy, so take some time to set them properly. Each time you add or delete a group in your board you will need to do the operation above in order to keep the synchronisation of the groups. When you will try to login / logout or manage users from Coppermine, you will be redirected to the corresponding page of your bulletin board. Once the login or logout is performed you won't be redirected automatically to the gallery because your board does not have any function for that. It's up to you to add a link on your board to get you back to the gallery. It's mandatory that you (as admin) go to the groups page directly after bridging or whenever you change anything in your bridging configuration or if you change anything in your groups settings on your bbs, as you need to trigger the re-sync. 5.4 Bridging supportWith the explanations given above you should be able to bridge your (BBS) application with Coppermine. However, if things don't work as expected, you're welcome to look for help using the coppermine support board. When asking for support, please keep in mind that the supporters will need some information to enable them to help you:
6. Translating Coppermine into other languagesCoppermine has a separate language file that make the translation of the script much more easy. The language files are stored in the lang directory. If you select an utf-8 language file as the default one, then the script will be able to automatically select a language file based on the visitor browser configuration. For instance if the default language file is danish (utf-8) and an english visitor accesses your gallery, the english language file will be used by the script. If you have translated Coppermine into a language not already supported, please read the translator's guide and visit the Coppermine Web Site and follow the instructions for submitting your language. 7. Known IssuesThe following slight quirks and tiny issues are known and will hopefully be fixed in future releases.
8. Credits8.1 Coppermine team
8.2 Contributors
There is a full list of translators that can be found on the coppermine homepage: please visit > About > Translators. 8.3 Coppermine uses code from the following free softwares :phpBB phpMyAdmin phpPhotoAlbum TAR/GZIP/ZIP Archive Classes Exifixer Codelifter Slideshow PHPMailer PHP Calendar Class Version 1.4 8.4 Copyright, license and disclaimer8.4.1 LicenseThis application is opensource software released under the GNU GPL, version 3. Versions prior to cpg1.4.13 used to be released under GNU GPL version 2. As the Free Software Foundation has released version 3 of the license, we updated the license reference for this release accordingly. 8.4.2 Additional terms (license add-ons)The GNU GPL does not allow further restrictions of permissions except the additional terms that can be added according to section 7 of the GNU GPL v3. Coppermine is being released under the GNU GPL with the following, GPL-compliant additional terms: DisclaimerAccording to GNU GPL v3, section 7 a) Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Preservation of author attributionsAccording to GNU GPL v3, section 7 b) The Coppermine group (aka Coppermine Dev Team) requires the preservation of the "Powered by Coppermine" footer in a legible, unobscured manner in the output of all pages generated by Coppermine-driven galleries. In previous versions (prior to cpg1.4.13) of Coppermine (which used to be covered by the GNU GPL v2), the additional term that the footer should not be removed existed as well. There have been third parties though who doubted the rightfulness of this additional term and subsequently claimed that it was legal to remove the tag; some of those third-parties even offered instructions how to accomplish this code-wise (although the legal details had been clarified long before with the Free Software Foundation and the Open Source Initiative). The Coppermine Dev Team welcomes that version 3 of the GNU GPL clarifies this legal aspect and demands of any third parties to respect the full license, including the additional terms covered in this section of the documentation. Marking of modified versionsAccording to GNU GPL v3, section 7 c) The Coppermine Dev Team requires as additional term of the license Coppermine comes with that modified versions of Coppermine conveyed to others should be marked in a reasonable way. Modified versions mustn't be conveyed to others under the same name as the original coppermine release. Package name, source code and the output generated by the modified version should make it obvious for potential users that the modified version and the original coppermine version that the modified version is based upon differ. Examples: If you create a port of coppermine with the added feature to brew coffee, name it in a way as suggested below:
Explanation: 8.4.3 CopyrightsCoppermine Photo Gallery is Copyright © 2002 - 2007 Grégory DEMAR and the Coppermine Dev Team, All Rights Reserved. |