DaMysterious Graphical

This File was last updated: October 24, 2006


Theme Avalanche


This theme is specially made/adapted for use with Coppermine Gallery v1.4.x.

This template is also optimized to all searchengines and use to different browsers.

All my themes are best viewed on 1024x760 of higher.


Although I firmly support the Open Source Movement, DaMysterious is not an Open Source Project and therefore licences such as the GPL only apply to files/code that is marked as such. All the DaMysterious files are covered by one of the below licenses.

I reserve the right to amend the terms of the DaMysterious license(s) therefore you are strongly advised to check the DaMysterious web site for the most recent copies at: http://damysterious.xs4all.nl/

DaMysterious Free to Use and Distribute Software and Images License.

Use of the files from this DaMysterious distribution indicates that you understand the terms and conditions of this license and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license.

The files included in this DaMysterious distribution may be used and redistributed freely, whether wholly or in part, under the following terms and conditions:

1. All credit, copyright, and license notices internal to the files, including image files, must be left intact and unchanged. Files or portions of files licensed by third parties remain subject to the terms and conditions of that license.

2. When redistributing any of the files or portions of the files from a DaMysterious distribution, all credit and copyright notices output to a web browser must be left intact and unchanged. Individual users are requested to leave all credit and copyright notices output to a web browser intact and unchanged in content; stylistic changes that do not impair notice legibility are acceptable. Individual users who elect to remove or make illegible credit and copyright notices output to a web browser waive the opportunity to request support.

3. All internal documentation, including but not limited to usage notes, technical notes, and revision history, must be left intact and unchanged unless otherwise stated. When redistributing any of the files or portions of the files from a DaMysterious distribution, all external documentation included with the DaMysterious distribution must be included with the redistribution package.

4. Support for modified files or portions of files from a DaMysterious distribution is the responsibility of the party making the modification, regardless of the nature of the modification.

5. Any and all redistribution of any DaMysterious distribution or information with complete stand-alone applications is forbidden without prior written permission.

6. Any and all redistribution of any DaMysterious distribution or information with or as a collection of any kind is forbidden without prior written permission.

7. The DaMysterious files are distributed without charge and it is forbidden for any redistribution to include charges of any kind whatsoever.



Have Fun,
